Monday, April 12, 2021

Class Recap and Homework--04/12/21

Class 31
to review summarizing of the DA's argument in "Who Killed Ronald McDonald
to go over step 3 of the Ronald McDonald Discussion Journal and a sample of how to answer

Class Notes: April 12

-For tomorrow, make sure you have read pages 10-14 of The New Jim Crow as we will be discussing it.
-Complete Step 3 in the "Who Killed Ronald McDonald?" Discussion Journal. Please add this to the same document in which you wrote your summary. You do not need to turn Step 3 in tomorrow. Instead, you are going to turn the whole discussion journal in all together once you're done.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Class Recap and Homework--04/08/21

 Class 30

to think about reading closely and analyzing texts like detectives using "Who Killed Ronald McDonald
to prepare to read the text reviewing Supplemental Materials for "Who Killed Ronald McDonald"

-For Monday: Complete Steps 1-2 of the Ronald McDonald Discussion Journal
Your summary should be structured like a CATW summary. In the first sentence, tell me the title of the story, whose argument you are about to summarize, and what that argument is (in other words, what is the District Attorney's main idea). Then tell me the DA's three reasons for why he thinks this (all in your own words). If you're not sure how to structure this, you can look at the CATW packet, previous notes from previous classes, or anywhere else where we've outlined how to structure a summary. But you're just writing a normal summary, just like we've been practicing, though this time it is a summary of the DA's argument (you need to summarize the DA's argument, not the story itself).

-For Tuesday: Read pages 10-14 of The New Jim Crow

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Class Recap and Homework--04/07/21

Class 29

tto explore more deeply the claims and history in the "Birth of Slavery" section of the reading through group work with Discussion Questions

Class Notes: April 7

"Concepts Of Text Fly Form Text Book" by Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee

CATW 2 on "How to Do One Thing at a Time" due tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Recommended Viewing: The Jim Crow Museum

To get more of a picture of what the Jim Crow era looked like, take a tour with this video of Dr. David Pilgrim's introduction to the Jim Crow Museum. 

After watching the video, reflect on these questions and maybe share your answers in the Comments section.

  • According to Dr. Pilgrim, what are the two ways Jim Crow existed in the minds of Americans
  • Where did the imagery of Jim Crow come from?
  • How did the beliefs of the Jim Crow era influence people’s lives?

Class Recap and Homework--04/06/21

Class 28

to review important vocabulary and introduce the key concepts of Michelle Alexander's argument in The New Jim Crow
to discuss the history of slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow to understand the rebirth of caste 

Class Notes: April 6

"Concepts Of Text Fly From Text Book" by Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee

Review the Class notes to be prepared to continue discussion of Michelle Alexander's text tomorrow.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Class Recap and Homework--04/05/21

Class 27

to continue our discussion of Sentence Control reviewing fragments and dependent word clauses
to progress in our discussion of Sentence Control going over run-ons and the FANBOYS conjunctions

Class Notes: April 5 (Be sure to hit "Present" at the top right of Google Slides to see all of the Powerpoint text)

Due Monday: Complete the Dependent Words and Run-ons Practice
Make sure you've read The New Jim Crow p.1-5 for tomorrow. We will discuss it in class. This is in the Literature folder. It's called "The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander - excerpt." Read up to "The Death of Slavery" on page 5.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Class Recap and Homework--3/25/21

Class 26

to go over some takeaways of The Communist Manifesto
to discuss returned CATW 1s and go over the process of revising them also looking at some grammar issues common in CATW 1 and how to fix them
to go over how to summarize a CATW article, paraphrasing the main idea of each paragraph
to go over how to formulate a main idea statement for the whole article

Class Notes: March 25

Due Monday, April 5: your second draft (revision) of your "What Are Friends For?" CATW is due. Please copy and paste your first draft into a new document, make the revisions that were suggested, and then turn this new draft in. 

Due Tuesday, April 6: read The New Jim Crow p.1-5 for Tuesday. We will discuss it in class on Tuesday. This is in the Literature folder. It's called "The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander - excerpt." Read up to "The Death of Slavery" on page 5. 

Due Thursday, April 8: your first draft of your "How to Do One Thing at a Time" CATW is due. This should be a full, 4-paragraph essay (Intro, Body, Body, Conclusion). You can use the summary that we wrote tonight in class, but you need to write your own thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion.